Motorcyclists often wonder about certain places they can park and if the smallness of their vehicle makes it an exception. You may have also noticed motorcycles parked in various places that may seem a bit out of place, such as sidewalks.
Can a motorcycle park on the sidewalk? In most places, it is illegal for a motorcycle to park on the sidewalk unless it is privately owned and the owner has given the rider permission to park there. Motorcycles are generally required to follow the same traffic and parking laws as any other motor vehicle.
As a motorcyclist myself, I’ve often been curious about the rules about motorcycles and where they can and cannot park. This article will explain the rules of parking on the sidewalk, why you usually shouldn’t do it, and some other helpful pointers when it comes to parking your motorcycle.
Why Motorcycles Can’t Park On The Sidewalk
It is incredibly tempting as a motorcyclist to park on the sidewalk while you’re at the grocery store or some other business. Motorcycles are small and they don’t seem to be in the way too much, so what’s the problem?
I’ve heard many motorcyclists say they’ve been parking their motorcycle on the sidewalk for years and have never gotten a ticket or had any consequences. This may hold true for many, but just because you don’t get caught doesn’t mean it’s right.
Despite what everyone else says or does, it is illegal for motorcycles to park on any sidewalk whether it be the sidewalk leading up to the grocery store, on the sidewalk by the road, or a sidewalk in your neighborhood. It’s easy for a motorcyclist to get away with doing something like this, but all it takes is for one policeman to see it and write a big fat ticket within two minutes.
A good college friend of mine is now a cop. I asked him about this specific question and he said during the beginning of his career (before he was promoted to where he is now), he wrote tickets all the time for motorcycles parked on the sidewalk. He lived in a college town and saw it all the time, but most of them were blocking vital foot traffic.
Motorcycles are required to follow and abide by the same rules as any other motorized vehicle. Cars are not allowed to park on the sidewalk and you don’t ever really see them parked right up next to a business, so a motorcycle isn’t allowed to either.
Aside from getting a hefty parking ticket, a motorcycle parked on a sidewalk can also block foot traffic. This includes people using dollies to haul large items and workers trying to bring a long line of carts back in the store.
Additionally, not all of the foot traffic walking by your motorcycle is going to be respectful of your property. Some of them may be annoyed that you’re parked there and vandalize, or you may have some children who don’t know better that touch and possibly knock over your motorcycle.
Many people argue that some bigger businesses with large parking lots aren’t monitored by the city police, so there’s no chance of them getting a ticket. While that may be true that police hold no jurisdiction over said businesses, the manager still has a right to contact the police and have them write you a ticket.
Motorcycle Parking Etiquette
Since you can’t park on the sidewalk, especially at businesses, that means the whole parking lot is free game, right? Actually, no. Many motorcyclists end up parking on striped lines in parking lots which is also illegal.
Most striped lines in parking lots are designated for handicap accessibility. Some people don’t understand that the striped lines are so big because some vehicles have large ramps that require a lot of space for a person with disabilities to get out of their vehicles safely. Parking a motorcycle in striped areas like this is not only illegal, it’s just straight up rude.
Metered parking is also another big debate among motorcyclists. Some believe that they can park in between two cars parked in metered parking, or, because a motorcycle isn’t as big as a car, they don’t have to pay for metered parking.
It is illegal in most places for motorcycles to park in between two parked cars in metered or paid parking spots. Not only are you going to get a ticket for not paying the fee, but you may get another ticket for obstructing the passage way for the other cars.
The cars parked there may not have enough space to move out of their spot and may accidentally hit your motorcycle. You can click here to see more information about motorcycle parking etiquette and the rules that go along with it.
How To Protect Your Parked Motorcycle

One major concern I’ve heard (and experienced myself) is that someone will get mad that you took up a whole parking space and move your motorcycle somewhere else that warrants a ticket. Luckily there are a few things you can do to protect your motorcycle while it is legally parked.
First, make sure that you never pull all the way in to a parking spot unless you are sharing it with another motorcycle. Park your motorcycle just far enough in to the spot that you are within the lines but still far enough out that other drivers will be able to quickly see you. It may be a good idea to put some sort of neon colored cloth on the end of your motorcycle so it’s more noticeable.
If you are parking in a public place, it’s always a good idea to use some sort of motorcycle lock. Motorcycle locks are pretty small and inexpensive. You can get one that locks through either the back or the front tire rim so the motorcycle can’t move. Some of them also have alarms that go off if it senses that it’s being tampered with. This will repel any jerk who attempts to move your motorcycle.
A Few Exceptions For Motorcycles
Fortunately, the law has seen that even though motorcycles are motor vehicles, they should be give some exceptions. A lot of businesses will have parking designated for just motorcycles. And they’re usually really close to the entrance. Don’t forget to take a few minutes to look for these spots before you resort to sidewalks or striped lines.
You are also allowed to share a normal parking spot with with another motorcycle. This is also very appreciated by other drivers because two motorcycles aren’t taking up two whole parking spots.
You’ll need to make sure that the motorcycles aren’t obstructing any passage ways of the surrounding cars and that your motorcycle isn’t interfering with the other motorcycle. Click here for more information I’ve compiled about parking two motorcycles in a single parking spot.
Parking a motorcycle is not only inconsiderate of foot traffic and those in wheelchairs, but it is also completely illegal. I totally get it though, having ridden motorcycles for over ten years has tempted me to park there, too. But I can promise you that it is not worth the potential hefty ticket.
Have you guys ever parked your motorcycle on the sidewalk before? If so, what happened? I’d love to hear any questions or comments about this, feel free to comment or contact us!
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